During the COVID-19 pandemic, Unilever aimed to ensure the health and safety of employees working in their manufacturing facilities. To address this, Unilever developed an IoT-based system for monitoring employee body temperature and maintaining social distancing protocols. The system involved integrating GPS technology into employees' identity cards or smartwatches to track their location and ensure a minimum distance of 2 meters between them. Alerts were generated for the employees’ reporting managers if any safety protocols were violated.
Presently the process was done through Microsoft Excel Sheets. Both the Groups had faced a lot of problems to maintain requests created and also tracking the progress of the request.
1. Health Monitoring: Continuously monitor employees' body temperatures to detect potential COVID-19 symptoms early.
2. Social Distancing Compliance: Track and enforce a 2-meter distance between employees to reduce the risk of virus transmission.
3. Real-Time Alerts: Provide timely notifications to reporting managers if an employee’s body temperature is abnormal or if social distancing guidelines are not followed.
1. Stakeholder Interviews
Objective: Understand stakeholder concerns and requirements for the system.
- Human Resources (HR): Need for real-time health monitoring and adherence to social distancing norms.
- IT Department: Integration with existing infrastructure and ensuring data privacy and security.
- Employees: Ease of use and minimal intrusion in their work environment.
Key Findings:
- Employees are concerned about privacy but are open to technology that ensures their safety.
- Managers need reliable and actionable alerts to take prompt actions.
2. User Surveys
Objective: Gauge employee comfort levels and preferences regarding health and safety monitoring.
- Survey Results: Majority of employees were willing to use a monitoring system if it contributed to their safety and was unobtrusive. They preferred solutions that did not interfere with their work tasks.
3. Competitive Analysis
Objective: Identify best practices and features in existing health and safety monitoring systems.
- Analyzed systems used in other industries for health monitoring and social distancing.
- Noted successful elements such as real-time alerts, user-friendly interfaces, and integration with wearable technology.
Disclaimer! This contextual analysis does exclude inside research information, unreleased plan, or data, and any data that should be kept inside the lawful limits of the organization. Protected by copyright law and any abuse of the accompanying information can prompt suitable activity.
- System Reliability: Monitored uptime and accuracy of temperature readings and GPS tracking.
- User Feedback: Collected feedback from employees and managers regarding the system’s impact on their work and safety.
- Improved Safety: Reduced instances of health and safety protocol violations.
- Increased Awareness: Enhanced employee and management awareness of health and safety practices.
- Privacy Balance: Achieved a balance between effective monitoring and employee privacy.
- Objective: Ensure the system is intuitive and non-intrusive for employees and provides actionable insights for managers.
- Method: Conducted remote and in-person usability tests with employees and managers.
- Results: Iterations made to simplify the user interface and enhance alert accuracy.